Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

alcohol poisoning

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning - symptoms of alcohol poisoning, consume large amounts of alcohol can kill someone. Symptoms of alcohol poisoning is more common in children and usually occurs when a person drinks high test.

Drinking pure grain alcohol is always a risky business. Patients may experience symptoms of alcohol poisoning if you drink alcohol or wood alcohol. Attending a party can save someone's life if he is able to recognize signs of alcohol poisoning.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

It is difficult to identify the first signs of symptoms of alcohol poisoning in a drunken state. Drowsiness and confusion are the first symptoms of alcohol poisoning. A drunk person can not show signs of intoxication. If conscious, keep an eye out to see if your condition worsens.

If you stop drinking, you can proceed to the second symptom is vomiting. If the person is unconscious, his body finally remove the alcohol in the body through normal metabolic processes.

Severe symptoms of alcohol poisoning include cramps, shallow breathing, and low body temperature. If you find someone unconscious, check breathing. Breathing is very low is the most severe symptoms of alcohol poisoning. If someone has a scene, bright areas around it and turned away from the scene.

Call 911 if someone is suspected alcohol poisoning symptoms. You can call 800-222-1222 to connect directly to your local poison control, emergency call number instead.

Wait until help arrives. Whatever you do, do not leave the patient alone. Central control will remain with you until help arrives. When people suffering from alcohol poisoning go to the nearest hospital, you will receive supportive therapy. Placed on oxygen, and hospital staff will monitor the patient's airways and maintain their airway obstruction. A hospital also provides patients with symptoms of alcohol poisoning intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Flow sensor for treating symptoms of alcohol poisoning is to keep patients as comfortable as possible until the body eliminates alcohol from the body. Hospital staff monitor the patient's condition. If the patient is suffering from addiction rehabilitation program may be recommended.

A person of any age may experience symptoms of alcohol poisoning if they drink enough alcohol. Parents should keep a bottle of alcoholic beverages under lock and key. Parents should also be aware that your teenagers and children, although not able to track the location of their children at all times.

Amount of alcohol a person drinks alcohol before they are affected depends on the size and weight. The key to avoiding alcohol poisoning is to keep alcohol away from children as possible and drink in moderation. If adults can not drink for reasonable adults should completely avoid beer 'adult drink, wine, wine, and much more.
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